Welcome to C.H.A.N.G.E.S.

C.H.A.N.G.E.S. Treatment Centre’s offers Inpatient, Outpatient Treatment programmes as well as a tranquil upmarket Halfway House centrally located in Randburg. This unique facility treats all additions including drug, alcohol and gambling addictions as well as eating disorders, relationship, sex or love addictions and co-dependency.

You are not a bad person trying to get good, you are an ill person trying to recover and get well.

Services offered at C.H.A.N.G.E.S.:

  • Assessments
  • Inpatient Recovery Centre
  • Evening Outpatient Recovery Programme
  • Individual Counselling
  • Recovery Coaching
  • Onsite Urine Testing
  • Family Support Group, Family Counselling
  • Co-Dependency Counselling
  • Aftercare
  • Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous & Love Addicts Anonymous
  • Employee Assistance Programmes, Training and Education

Changes – Inside job


For Halfway House Information, please contact: 064-6856169

For Treatment Enquiries for Inpatient & Outpatient Programme: contact Sheryl: 082-449-9431

Interventions: Carmen: 082-906-3702

Email: sheryl@changesrehab.co.za or change@changes.co.za

Email: carmen@changesrehab.co.za

Tel: 2711 888-7562 / 2711 478-0601

Facebook: CHANGES Addiction Recovery Centre & Halfway House

Testimonial 1

I first came to C.H.A.N.G.E.S. in November 2006, with an addiction to cocaine and alcohol that left me physically, emotionally and spiritually ravaged. The guidance, knowledge and support that the C.H.A.N.G.E.S. team offered, not just to me, but to my family as well – literally changed my life. I was amazed at how quickly I built a trusting and respectful relationship with the C.H.A.N.G.E.S. treatment team during those early days of my recovery. For me it was so important to get on with my life, and the flexibility of the outpatient treatment programme allowed me to do exactly that. I have maintained an ongoing relationship with the treatment team and my individual counsellor throughout my recovery. Over the years, I have also attended many of the C.H.A.N.G.E.S. workshops, and other treatment groups and I continue to be amazed at how my life has been transformed. If you are willing to do the work – C.H.A.N.G.E.S. will show you how. Today I am almost six years clean and sober and with a deep sense of gratitude and serenity – I can honestly say that I have never looked back!

– Lisa (30) July 2012

Testimonial 2

I would like to share my experience that I had when I received treatment at C.H.A.N.G.E.S.

I had been to rehab before and my not using only lasted a few hours after I left them. After much pressure from my family I agreed to go and meet a new counsellor at C.H.A.N.G.E.S.

I met my counsellor while I was drunk and high and she greeted me by saying; “welcome to C.H.A.N.G.E.S. I am going to do an assessment to see if you will be suitable for Outpatient Treatment”. I was filled with shame and nerves and could not wait to leave her office to go and score! But something about her made me listen, she told me that I am not a bad person, just an ill person who needs to find recovery or I will die a lonely, miserable, guilt ridden death! Wow, too much information for a high, drunk junkie. I carried on listening to her after I spilled my guts about what was happening for me. I edited a lot out because I thought that this woman would judge me if I told her the truth. At the end, she asked me for two things. One was to come into treatment and the other that I just needed to get honest. It was like she read my soul! I was planning to go use one last time but she asked me to start immediately. I did! Although I was planning to use when I got the gap. I started treatment that evening and oh boy did it blow my mind. There was this group of people who welcomed me, did not judge me and treated me like a human not an animal. The counsellors were so calm, smart and kept talking about boundaries, what the hell did that mean?

I had long been my own judge and executioner and I swear that first night changed my life! I did what they asked me to do. I pitched up every afternoon with my file and a ton of emotions but hope was now amongst them. I finished my programme and continued with aftercare and to see my counsellor every week. I had this counsellor who was strong but gentle, I did not want to manipulate her. I wanted to see what she saw in me, I wanted to change.

C.H.A.N.G.E.S. did change me and my life. I have not picked up that “last time”. I am clean and sober 5 years and 6 months today and continue to trust the process! I have changed everything in my life slowly, gently and appropriately. I own my own business now, in a relationship, own my own home. I keep it clean and there is food in my fridge. My parents want to see me now, my siblings invite me places and ask for my advice. I sponsor people at my fellowship of 12 Steps, carry the message to the still suffering addict. I am still an addict and alcoholic but am productive, honest and humble. I don’t have the perfect life, I still make a few mistakes, use my own will to my detriment and now have to deal with my co-dependency on a daily basis (oh yeah I joined my Mom in the Co-dependency camp) but I have a programme behind me and people who really care.

I will eternally be grateful to Sheryl and the team at C.H.A.N.G.E.S. for my new life. I am glad I listened that first day because it could have been so different if I went to use “that last time”, I would not be alive today and of that I am now sure! Thank you C.H.A.N.G.E.S. you helped me find me and I am no longer filled with shame and blame.